Chinese input device 2.7A
조회 : 1,851
2023.09.24 20:25

Materials provided free of charge in addition to the manual:
A) Chinese input device 2.7A for GS certification - SW used when receiving GS certification
B) CAW2.7 used prior to 2.7A version
C) 2 PDF file tutorials - These books are the 2.7 version user manual and tutorial, and include character combination methods, code principles, and Chinese character study materials.
You need 2.7 to study these books. These books will help you learn more quickly. It includes a process of typing everything from a thousand characters to ancient documents and modern documents.
A paper booklet is required to view the entire book, but is sold separately.
D) If a problem occurs due to moving the cursor during the Chinese input process, it is reset by using the space character, which plays the same role as the completion character v key.
E) Other functions not included in GS certification have been added to this product. Among Chinese characters, there is a function to reassemble by inserting other characters without deleting all the characters in front, and a direct conversion function through Chinese characters and uppercase Japanese characters.
Chinese input device 2.7A manual
This is an explanation of the first part of the attached manual.
1. First start in Chinese (Chinese character) mode.
2. Depending on the frequency of users, Chinese-Japanese mode is used as default.
3. Product installation method:
This product runs as an executable file alone, so dependent files are not required. On Windows, it can be installed simply by copying and pasting the executable file, and it can also be run from USB.
4. Product maintenance is provided free of charge for one year, and product improvements such as input methods and Chinese character combinations are reflected as quickly as possible regardless of the maintenance period.
5. Recommended equipment specifications for product operation, supplier information, and customer support center
Windows products require OS Windows 10 or later, HDD 1G, and RAM 4G.
Customer Support Center: For inquiries, please contact csecse@nate.com.
Other information is mentioned in the separately available product specifications.
6. Function keys and usage
Important function keys are displayed on the first screen. Chinese (simplified, traditional), Japanese (hiragana, katakana), Korean, and English characters can be entered alternating with each other. (Simplified - Traditional), (Hiragana - Katakana) The toggle key is F3 and is used in Chinese mode and Japanese mode. You can switch the input mode using the F1 key for English mode and the F2 key for Korean mode. When converting between Chinese and Japanese, the first letter is capitalized.
a. [Chinese characters -> Kana characters], [Kana characters -> Chinese characters] mode switching
Example) 馬ま(maMa) だ馬(daMa)
b. Chinese character [traditional character -> simplified character] mode conversion
Example) Using the toggle key in Chinese character mode: 馬 (F3) 马
c. Japanese [Hiragana->Katakana] conversion
Use the toggle key while in Japanese mode: あ (F3) ア
d. To express English letters, the F1 key is used as a toggle key, and the F1 key is also used to exit.
English toggle (F1)
e. Korean characters use F2 as a toggle key, and the F2 key is also used to exit.
Korean toggle (F2)
f. To switch between [Korean -> English letters] and [English letters -> Korean], (F2F1) and (F1F2) are used consecutively.
g. completion key v
When blocking a combination of two characters in Chinese character or Chinese mode, use the completion key v.
Example) 人山 (rrvsd) / 仙 (rrsd)
h. Information such as identification characters and the entered code is displayed at the bottom status bar left.
[漢] means Traditional Chinese characters
[汉] means Simplified Chinese characters:
[あ] means Hiragana
[ア] means Katakana
[가] means Korean
[A] means English
i. Simplified Chinese character use the same combiantion code with traditional Chinese characters and are expressed by mode switching. However, this manual is based on traditional characters. Simplified and traditional characters with different forms are treated as separate characters and are expressed together in both modes.
Example 1) 貝贝 (be) 员員 (kkbe) - Same form of Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (enter separately in Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese modes)
Example 2) 漢(sugt) 汉(suyo) - Other forms of Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (enter in Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese modes)
j. Functional differences by OS
The function keys for Windows and Linux are designed to match and are unified as F1, F2, and F3. For Windows, the (Shift+Space) key has been added.
7. For Japanese codes and Chinese character combinations and codes, refer to the Chinese input device 2.7A manual.